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Welcome to the pond

The One and Only Ivan, by: Katherine Applegate


Use the sites below to research the silverback gorilla. http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/gorilla.html 

http://youtu.be/ewJLlu3lddo (video of Ivan at Atlanta Zoo)

http://youtu.be/GCi2-dChYt8 (Watch the video to learn more about the silverback gorilla.  Find out how you can adopt a gorilla.  Would this be something you would be interested in?)

Imagine you are Ivan.  Write a paragraph describing an event that happened to you one day in your life.  Make sure you use Ivan's voice.
(Post your writing.)    Due:  Thursday, June 6th 


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  3. The One and Only Ivan
    By: Katherine Applegate
    Gymnastics It was the start of a normal day. A few visitors came and walked by my cage. There was one little girl around the age of 2 or 3. Slowly, she walked towards me, and pressed her face on the glass of my domain. For me, this was awkward, so I started to back away. Suddenly, I stumbled over a rock and tumbled feet over head to the other end of my domain. How did I do that I asked myself, as I watched the little girl giggling. Then I realized that I had seen people do that on TV. It was something called……gymnastics. I began to try different tricks, such as; some more somersaults, cartwheels and hand stands to entertain the little girl because I had finally drawn attention. I was also excited to see what Mack would say when he got a load on what I could do. Success. Could this be a new fate for Exit 8?


    It was just a normal day in my life, or so I thought. I wasn't expecting any visitors, since we hadn't been getting many lately. I was staring at the TV, when I noticed a couple of people at my cage...VISITORS! They were 2 men who stood there and watched me for a minute. Then they tossed something into my cage through the small hole that had been created by a baseball. I immediately backed away, wondering what it was. I realized it was a little piece of food, that smelt REALLY good. After staring at it for a while, I was too tempted and I picked it up. Without thinking twice I popped it into my mouth, and an instant shock shot through my body. Slowly, I zoned out of the world into a deep sleep and started dreaming about my family and the wild. It made me realize how much I missed it. What was this weird piece of food doing to me? Who are these strange visitors?

  5. It was just a normal day me sitting in my cage people on the streets walking not knowing there are creatres in the circus as i sit in the cage doing nothing thinking to myself I could be with my family protecting them and no I cant cause Im held captive and the only thing i have is a stuffed animal that a little girl had left when the circus was open one day I wish is that i get out of this cage and im set free to my family

  6. As I watch my animal documentary an animal caught my attention. It was a Silver Back Gorilla. They live in a lush green jungle and there are at least five of them. Is that my family? My brothers and my sisters that I was bound to protect with my life? With all of that yummy food, never ending supply. Look at those trees that they are swinging from. They look so happy.Boy I wish that me. I would do anything to be there right now.

  7. The Jailbreak!!!

    It was an early Saturday morning. I guess my plan had worked cause a lot of people where here today. Stella was doing one of here famous acts when suddenly she fell! The crowed started to get impatient. Suddenly Mack came out with the claw! I knew exactly what was going through his mind. With out a second though , I started smacking on the glass. Then suddenly I remembered the broken glass. With one blow the glass smashed to pieces! Then I ran right over to Mack. Then I beaded on my chest as hard as I could! Suddenly Mack dropped the craw and ran into his office . Then I knew exactly how much trouble I was really in for !!!!!!!! - Barron

  8. All the Same but Different

    I wake up and eat breakfast. It seems that I have the same thing everyday. I look outside my domain but as usual the mall is empty. I see if Stella and Bob are awake, then I heard snoring, I thought that I would leave them alone. I stared at the painted wall and wonder if that is what my home looks like. My TV turns on and this time it's not a comic or a romance it was a documentary on the silver back. The painted wall looked like the place that the silver back was. Then I hear a knock on my domain. I saw two little girls and a boy. In the distance I saw a man in a fancy suit with a lot of people following him. He is coming towards my domain. He looks me in the face and then yells "Mack!" "Mack!" Mack come running toward him and says "Yes?" The man says "You can't keep this animal.

  9. Another Day

    It was another boring day today. I woke up, had some breakfast, which is always the same. Then I sat down, right in the middle of my room, and stared at the painted walls. No one came to visit me today. They didn’t come yesterday either, strange. I watched some TV, again, it is getting kind of boring, the same shows just repeating themselves, but I put up with it. After al, I have nothing better to do. I was getting pretty lonely, sitting with my teddy. I began to think about my family, free in the wild. I wish I could be with them. I hope that they are not trapped in some cage like I am. If only I could get out…

  10. Victory

    I have been here for 27 years, The same thing every day until today. Some one came through the hole in my ceiling . It was a duck his name was Joe, Joe told me all about the wild I really wanted to go so every night Joe and I would make the hole bigger so one day i could break out. One day I shattered the glass Joe and I escaped finally freedom.

  11. It's the normal morning for me I wake up and my food like seeds, stems, bark. I talk to Stella and Bob and there really not up to anything as usual. Later Mack came into my cage and something happened the door shut so Mack was locked in my domain and was not the happiest but I was thrilled. Later my favourite cartoon came on I don't know what it's called but in every episode someone slips on a banana peel. It's been 5 hours since Mack was locked in my domain and he has tried several times to get out through the broken part of my glass but he has never fit and he is almost out now but I pulled him back in. It's now been 9 hours since Mack was locked in my domain and we are watching T.V. and a romance just came on and this one was about gorillas I was thrilled but the romance was 3 hours. It's now been 12 hours and the romance just finished and Mack just out. Finally I eat more food and go for a long night sleep.

  12. I see a person walking with Mack, they are mad and arguing. Finally he shows Mack his neat papers and Mack just walks away. Then in 3 days Mack is gone, another man has all his keys. The same man Mack was arguing with talked with the other man. I tried to listen but I couldn't hear. Finally the man walked up to my domain and gave me a crayon and paper. I bit the end of the crayon and thought what can I draw that is blue. I look around and saw it, my kiddy pool. I started drawing and in 3 minutes I was done. Instead of the man taking it like Mack he said "Good job" and hung it up on my wall. One day later Stella told me a great plan. It was to pretend she had a hurt leg. At first, I thought that it was a dumb plan, but as she started explaining more it all made sense. The men were always talking in private away from people. When they saw Stella's hurt leg they would talk in front of her. She would hear them talking and tell us what they said. So the next day we got to it. Stella cried and they came and helped, but they did not talk. Luckily, just as they left the room the man said one thing only I could hear. "We have to let them go." then walked away.

  13. Today I didn't have a great day I watched a long show about lions. Then I saw a shiny thing outside of the hole in the glass. I waited until no one is looking then I pick it up. It was this yellow circle with something shiny in the middle. Suddenly the tv has something about mysterious object. The humans were these so called rings on their fingers. It would not fit me. So I put it on my gorilla. although it fit her nicely I wish my sis could have it.

  14. THE KEYS!
    Today the parrot was flying around and his wing hits the keys near the domain. The keys are right in front of the hole. I try to grab them multiple times, but I cant. Mack is coming and it's my last chance I get my hand through and reach the keys as Mack is walking by I clinch my fist so he cant see them. I see Mack put them in this lock so I try it, it wont fit so I keep them for a bit. Bob comes and I slip the keys under the hole to him to let him try. He tries but it wont come then Stella put her trunk through her domain and she tries but then Mack comes and takes the keys away from us. So we didn't escape into the wild.

  15. Is this the end?
    It was just another day nothing exciting happening as usual, Bob come over and we watched a movie. When it was over he told me it was just another western movie. A few minutes later Stella came over and we talked and played a game call guess that picture because I`m a great artist. In the afternoon I saw some birds fly over and I wondered what it`s like in the wild, free to anything you want. Climb in the trees, act wild and eat whenever you want. Instead I`m locked up here in a cage that`s way to small for me and I have no one to protect. While I`m imagining about what the wild is like a few men walk by my cage and drop a fairly large stack of paper. "Why would you throw this out, it`s perfect to draw on." To get a closer look I reach through the hole in my dromain and pick it up, it has fairly large letters on it that I think say some thing about animals captivity. I wonder if this is the end of Big Top Mall.

  16. Some times i wonder what ice cream or soft pretzels taste like. It seems good and some times it seems bad. Like when peaople just throw their food away or eat it faster than you can peel your banana, I would never throw my food away. But once or twice bark and leavs just dont satisfy me. Once a while ago a little girl staring through the glass into my domane droped her ice cream cone. Her mother bought her a new one from the stend across the way, but i dont know why she didnt just pick it up and finish it. It was yellow, "mabey its banana flavourd" I said to my self. Ireached through the hole in the corner of my domane but i just cant reach. mack walked over and almost stepped in the ice cream "uhh" he said, "ill call the janator". oh no the janator, he is the one who cleans my domane at night,and picks the left over food up. If i want the ice cream i better get it fast. Finally my hand brushes the melted cone " EWWWW, LEMON ".

  17. Fruity Mishap!

    Well, today I woke up and looked through the same, old, boring glass. No visitors, again. Mack seemed very frustrated. I plopped down, and stared at my little TV. A cartoon was on, my favourite. After I was interested in the intense graphics, I was startled by a loud thump! I looked outside and noticed a new stand. I assumed it was probably, one of those "popped - corn" stands humans always seem to like. Later, two men came in the mall carrying large boxes. I watched as they opened the giant crates. I was anxious to know what was inside. The men lifted out several small boxes containing... BANANAS!!! They looked so delicious! I haven't had a banana in so long, not including the gross, not ripe ones Mack gives me. For a while, I perched on the side of my tiny pool, eyeing the heavenly bananas. I just needed to have them. Soon, after many extremely long minutes I couldn't take it anymore! I began to punch where the little crack in the glass is. Eventually, it broke. I was free at last! I hurried over to the boxes and ate some bananas. I felt like I was back in the wild. During my perfect fantasy, I heard a loud yell. Mack stomped over, and lets just say my new glass is ten times thicker.

  18. PAINT

    I wake up from a deep sleep and happen to find Bob, snoring on my chest. Bob and I watch another western. After the show is over, I realize that no visitors have come by the Big Top Mall in a week. Mac would not be happy. Julia comes to my domain carrying a handful of art supplies. She gives me some blue, yellow, and red finger paints. I look around for something to paint. My pictures are always based on something in my domain, or outside of the glass, unlike Julia’s. Her drawings are filled with imagination and creativity. I spot a slimy banana peel in the corner. I dip my fingers in the yellow paint and gently swish my fingers over the smooth sheet of paper. I show Julia my masterpiece. She is the only one who knows exactly what it is.

  19. One More Crayon

    I can't believe it! I've thought of a plan! I thought of it yesterday when Bob told me that if I wanted to help, I'd need something new, fresh and eyecatching. I'll be drawing a people picture! First, I'll study the person, then draw them using my sleek, new blue crayon. We'll sell them for $5.00 each. Mack will make a fortune! Mck will need to put up posters first, though, so that we can get the customers in here. After the people see what great things I'm capeable of, they'll spread the word to everyone they know! Maybe, just maybe, I'll be the one who saves this great, old mall.

    - Amelia

  20. I was just about to show Mac my my new trick, but as he made his way over to me we heard Stella give out a yelp. Mac rushed over to her cage just to find her lying on the floor, she had hurt her leg again. I wanted to help so bad, but all i could do was watch in horror. I watched Mack run to call the vetrenarian, when he got back he had to men with him. they where wearing white coats and in there hands were two cases and on them was some sort of sign. As the m en left the building i heard them tell Mack something "She will need to be under care for about two weeks but please keep the other animals." After they left Mack came back to my cage to see my trick, but after everything happened i did not want to do the trick. That night I heard Mack talking to someone on the phone he said that after getting all the medicine it would cost me $382
