Welcome to the pond

Welcome to the pond

"The Mysteries of Harris Burdick"

Write your final draft focusing on the setting in the above picture.


  1. It was a dark foggy night when a man was walking by the docks and saw a boat that was red and white thats what he thought because it was so dark then a little boy was with the captain then something popped out in one of the window houses a person that looked like a ghost then......

  2. As the captin swung his lantern. The schooner came closer to the pier. The boy next to the captin was hopeing thaat his father would be on that schooner. All of the sidy lights and fog equal a perfect night. The schooner pulled in too the pier and then.

  3. As I look out to the calm panel of water, to enjoy the glow of the lights in the night I start to see a ship that looks like its coming from a patch of fog. I look closer to see if there was anybody on the boat. Nobody but a captain. As the misty wind of the night blows on my face I look at the captain swinging his lantern to the front of the boatto see what was ahead. I start to walk away but then the schooner came closer and closer this time faster then it was before as it went under the bridge I ran to the other side to see it, but it had dissapeared. A voice soon said .....

  4. It was a foggy dark night as the captain swung his lattern to the ship drifting out of the fog.The Schooer boat looked dark and glomy.The air was misty and cold.A frighting sifver crawed out my back.The boat was getting closer suddenly...

  5. It was a dark, cold, night.As the captain swung his lantern.The Schooner came closer to the pier as I see the boat apear from the big, thick puff of fog .As I shiver and wait for my older sister to come off the boat from her trip to Hawaii .The water was so still and quiet all I heard was my heart beat pounding so excitedly I thought it was gonna pop out of my chest. Just waiting and waiting until.....

  6. It was a foggy dark night as the captain had his lattern. Than a was looking around than I saw a ship in the fog. Than I saw.....

    1. It was a late foggy August night,10:15 to be exact as I woke up from a noise that had seemed to be coming from the pier. I went outside on my dusty porch and saw a big boat coming out of a puff of fog. It was a schooner. I felt a shiver down my back and arm as it approached slowly. The moon was now shinning directly on the schooner and its reflection shimmered off the still lake. A gust of cold air suddenly swept across my warm smooth face which had a creepy presence as though pirates were about to attack.

      By Rachel

  7. It was a dark, foggy night in the fall. Lights shown over the water in the cool breeze. There was a captain to my left signaling something with an old, dusty lantern. Soon I saw a boat coming slowly out of a cloud of a cloud of fog, like it just appeared there. The captain leaned over to me and said, "There's the Schooner." I was still in shock from the ghostly ship. As the captain swung his light, the Schooner came closer to the pier.

  8. At 9:00 p.m. on a dark foggy Sunday as the captain swung his lantern. The schooner came closer to the pier. The railings on the pier were wet from the mist. The wind had been blowing hard all day. Suddenly I noticed that the schooner was not coming closer to the pier but was going away from the pier. The schooner mysteriously disappeared into the fog. Was this a dream or for real?

  9. It was a dark foggy night in the summer of 1992. As my dad was showing me around the harbour then I saw a ship kike a prite ship coming out from the fogg I ask my dad whst it was and he said " that boat is the haunted schnooer". As my dad told me more about it I looked up at it and I saw the captain swinging his lanteran and I started to walk away then the boat was about three feet from us but it could just be the mist in my eyes, then I cleared my eyes and I saw a big black boot and then...

  10. It was a dark and spooky night in London, England in the summer of 1600, when I was in bed at 12:01 a.m.. I had to use the outhouse so I went outside but I was stopped in my tracks when I saw a ghost captain swing his lantern and signal a ghost ship coming out of the mist. I ran to the outhouse being chased by the captain. The End......

  11. It was 11:30 at night and it was dark and gloomy. I was shivering because I left my coat at home. Goose bumps ran up my back as the cool air blew at my face. "As the captain swung his lantern the schooner came closer to the pier." As it came closer to me it unexpectedly dissaperd into the dark gray fog. And then...

  12. It was a cold, foggy night in the middle of October when everything was still and silent. As I looked out to the dark and gloomy water I could see a foggy, mysterious figure floating about. The pavement was so cold that it went right through my woollen socks my mother had sown. Beside the water there were apartment buildings standing side by side. Each room had bright lights on. I could see the reflection from the water. The captain stood beside me wearing his old patched clothes and holding his candle-lit lantern in his right hand. I quickly looked back at the mysterious figure. To my surprise, all I could see were clouds of fog that covered the entire town. The mysterious figure must have disappeared behind all the fog. As the captain swung his lantern. I started to realize that the floating object was a small boat. The schooner came closer to the pier. All the lights from the apartment buildings started to fade. Then all at once they turned off. The only thing I could see I the pitch black night was the faded lantern the captain was holding and the very front of the old, wreck boat which was floating right in front of me and the captain. I knew something terrible was going to happen. Right out of nowhere the captain collapsed. I could hear something that sounded weird coming from the schooner. It sort of sounded like wood falling. My heart started to pound really fast right out of my chest. I felt all sick in my stomach. I thought that I was going to faint too just like the captain when…


  13. I was waiting for my friend to come of of the boat. As I am waiting for her i see this strange man standing next to me as if he was waiting for someone to. I introduced myself and asked who he was he did not respond i told him that I liked his hat but he still did not do so much as look at me. I figured that he mite be def so I tuned on his coat but my hand went through him! I figured that he did not want to be disturbed so I just looked forward then i noticed something he was dressed like an old fashion sailor which was kind of . As I am waiting I see a patch of fog on the water as if it was taking a nap on the water. Out of no where a boat came out of the patch of fog and i almost fainted at the sight of it. The boat looked old fashioned too. When I looked up at the sky all i saw was, the sky nothing else no moon no stars no clouds no nothing. I was beginning to think that my friend was not on this boat!

    Natalie Gr 6

  14. It was 11:30 at night as a walked to the pier.I looked over the cold steal bar,I saw thick foag.All the cites lights were on everything was perfect.As I looked into the distance I saw a small boat but it was to hard to see.The air was a misty and damp and the water semed very clam.As the captain next to me swung his lantern the boat can closer to the pier.Sundunly all the lights in the city went off and someone with a big boot came off the boat and...

  15. The setting in the picture is at night time picture. In the picture there is a boat coming out of the fog. The night looks like it was in the midnight zone. It looks like the boys dad is the captinfrom a special type of ship. Thats what I have to say about the picture.
