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Welcome to the pond

Dogfights from WWI and WWII

View the two video clips of dogfights from WWI and WWII and be prepared to discuss the similarities and differences in class. You might want to use a venn diagram to jot down your findings.

Due: Tuesday, November 8th

1 comment:

  1. WWI and WWII are a lot different when it comes to dog fighting one reason is that the dog fighting in WWI was that the planes could malfunction quite easily such as the engine catching on fire or the gears and the control are lost and your going in for a crash landing although WWII may still have had not such as good planes once again but they did have some new features such as better control the engine would not over heat as easy as the planes from WWI they also had better structure most were now made of metal not wood and canvas so they weren't as easy to destroy and could take hits more often that is what is different about WWI and WWII planes
