Welcome to the pond

Take a Stand
View the following videos and write your own personal pledge taking a stand against bullying.
Class of 2013
Thank you everyone for an amazing time this year,
we had a lot of fun. Have a great summer!
Crawford Lake Iroquois Village
Crawford Lake Iroquois Village in Canada
Excellent Resource: http://www.linktolearning.com/grade6ss.htm
Use the above resources and be prepared to describe the relationship
between Aboriginal peoples and their environment.
The Canadian Game
Interesting and interactive site for exploring Canadian History.
To make things clear.
Interesting and interactive site for exploring Canadian History.
To make things clear.
The Story of the Foo
The Story of the Foo was made using Book Creator on the iPad by a group of students. It was then copied and imported into MovieMaker where the sound was added. The movie was then uploaded onto Youtube and posted on the classroom blog.
The One and Only Ivan, by: Katherine Applegate
Use the sites below to research the silverback gorilla. http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/gorilla.html
http://youtu.be/ewJLlu3lddo (video of Ivan at Atlanta Zoo)
http://youtu.be/GCi2-dChYt8 (Watch the video to learn more about the silverback gorilla. Find out how you can adopt a gorilla. Would this be something you would be interested in?)
Imagine you are Ivan. Write a paragraph describing an event that happened to you one day in your life. Make sure you use Ivan's voice.
(Post your writing.) Due: Thursday, June 6th
Circle of Respect # 5
View the above video "Water for Life" and prepare to discuss as a class on Friday, May 10th.
Circle of Respect # 4
View the above video and prepare to discuss on Thursday.
View the above video and prepare to discuss on Thursday.
Circle of Respect # 3
View the video below and prepare to discuss on Thursday.
Additional Resources:
Additional Resources:
Where in the World ?

Take a virtual tour of this week's Where
in the World by clicking the above link.
Due: Thursday, March 28th
Where in the World ?
Complete your Where in the World research sheet
and prepare to discuss in class on Friday, March 1st.
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